Vibrant modern mosaics
I’m a self-taught mosaic artist and I’ve been making mosaics since 2005. I live on the outskirts of Bristol, I have a love of wildlife and draw my inspiration from the local countryside. A favourite subject is native birds but have recently been experimenting with an alternative subject matter of mammals.
I predominantly work with glass and I love the vibrant colours, probably my inner magpie at work. I try to create flowing mosaics, which is a challenge as glass is so static and fixed. I start with a rough idea of what I want to create and then sketch it out. I use large sheets of stained glass and cut each piece by hand. It’s an organic process and often changes as it progresses, with no defined structure. This can take weeks. Each piece is stuck down individually and when complete, the whole mosaic is grouted. The colour of the grout has a significant impact on the finished piece and can make or break it.